De bästa YouTube-kanalerna för att lära sig arabiska 2024

Är du osäker på var du ska börja lära dig arabiska på YouTube? Leta inte längre! Vi har sammanställt en lista med högkvalitativa kanaler som hjälper dig att påbörja din språkinlärningsresa. Dyk in i dessa resurser och upptäck glädjen att lära sig arabiska i din egen takt. Kom ihåg att nyckeln till framgång är konsekvens och entusiasm, så låt oss börja!

Glöm inte HolliTube-tillägget för att öka din YouTube-inlärningsresa!


Arabic Made Fun! LearnArabicwithMaha and is about spreading knowledge on Arabic Language, Culture , Middle Eastern Cuisine and Tourism. ​ ​ Maha’s open mindedness and passion for the language and the warmth of her effusive personality are infectious, encouraging students to plow through even the most complex challenges of this very difficult language. Maha’s method combines a deep knowledge of the Arabic language with a vibrant personality that ensures that when Maha is at her quirkiest, the viewer will learn more Arabic, use more Arabic and retain more of the language than they thought possible. Displaying a deep respect for her viewers Maha guides the heart as much as the mind in her attempts to make the Arabic language much more accessible to us all. Far from dry, dull and predictable; she is engaging, talented and different. She is fun to be around, super curious and definitely not your typical teacher!

Learn Arabic Online Free | Nassra Arabic Method

Welcome to Nassra Method where you can learn Levantine Arabic dialect online (Syrian, Lebanese, Palestine and Jordanian Arabic) in less than 6 months If you follow each step and advise that we give in this channel. It was created after 2 decades of research by Omar and Khaled Nassra . Omar and Khaled Nassra have been teaching Levantine, Gulf and Media Arabic in London and Dubai for almost 20 years now. Including several years teaching diplomats at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. Khaled and Omar Nassra have degrees in Translation & Interpretation from the University of Damascus and Comparative Literature from Beirut University and SOAS. They have been giving Arabic lessons in London, Lebanon, Syria and Dubai for a total of over 20 years. Arabic is one of the world’s generally lovely and graceful dialects, spoken by north of 400 million individuals worldwide.


برنامج الستاند اب كوميدي العربي الأول ان تو او كل سبت على يوتيوب ان تو او هي أكسيد النيتروجين الثنائي مشهور باسم غاز الضحك لأثاره المنشطة عند استنشاقه، وهو مركب كيميائي بالصيغة الكيميائية N2O ويستخدم في الجراحة وطب الأسنان ويستعمل كوسيلة لتفعيل فترات قصيرة من الأداء الفائق في محركات الحرق الداخلي للسيارات ..... بالمختصر : حشيش قانوني

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